The Master Plan... The Car, Penny, and Me!

neilschelly's picture

So my engine plans are getting committed to memory for the summer. They'll be detailed in the gallery and on my car page. I'm aiming to get about 130HP to the ground after I build this new engine like new and get it all tuned the way I want. I also am aiming to lighten the car a bit more and a bunch of weight to lose is in the driver's seat.

With that in mind, I've found a new site to track my progress as I pick up running again. has custom routes you can draw up on Google Maps and save for future reference, or add to the collective database of runners' paths in your area. The potential for this site is incredible. My profile is still a little sparse as I only just set it up, but it will track weight, heartrate, miles, shoes, everything.

So the running will help me health-wise and racing-wise, and I'm tackling Penny's issues too. She's coming with me to work. The extra time she spends running with me will help condition her to further trust in my leadership while walking and give us a stronger bond that will hopefully carry through to her day-to-day psychosis. Additionally, she's sporting a new backpack to carry pick-up bags, my keys, and my phone, so she's working, giving her something else to worry about than other people and other dogs. Minding her while I'm running is already helping my breathing stay more level too since it distracts me pretty well.

Wish me luck... I'm aiming to win (again?) next year!