Holy cow we've been busy...

jenschelly's picture


Okay, so to start with on the volunteer front I worked at Easter Seals helping paint their doors at one of their schools for kids with lots of problems. Pictures are posted here. I also helped pack gift bags for Moore Mart and we packed our 20,000th box! How awesome is that?! Pictures are posted here.


We've been all over the place. June 12-14th we were in Seneca Falls, NY for a National Tour auto-cross. We were a bit too busy and didn't get any pictures except videos of Penny in the car. :-) June 19-21 we were in DC for a ProSolo auto cross. I also visited with tons of friends, including a nice dinner with Quang & HV and seeing Yvonne, Kari and Liberty and Liberty's horse, Livita. Kari, Liberty & I went to the barn and brunch in the city.

Fun Stuff

Faith works at BAE! Woohoo! Check out our matching badges. We also went Strawberry Picking at Parlee Farms recently with a number of our friends. Pictures are posted here. I also got a great silouette of Faith's cats Pirate and Marble and a new photo of Ariya.